
In February, 2007 the Central Youth Wing of the Brooklyn Public Library started a knitting circle for kids and teens ages 9 to 18 years old.  Since then, dozens of aspiring knitters have entered our program room to unravel (pun definitely intended) the mysteries of casting on stitches and knitting them into something warm and wonderful. 


There are a number of regulars who come to the library every week for knitting and many of them have become very close friends.  For them, the program is just as much about chatting over their needles as it is about learning how to knit into the front the back of a stitch or use a cable needle.


Now we have this website where we will profile our favorite projects and patterns, and share them with our families and our friends.  If you are interested in joining our community of library knitters, we meet on Thursdays in the Central Youth Wing from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m.  The knitting program does take a break every now and again.  You can find out when it is offered through the library's Events Calendar.








Banner Photo.  By byrdiegirl.  Via Flickr, use permitted through a Creative Commons attribution license. 

Page last updated 3/12/09. 

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